Tag Archives: parade

Luck of the Töads: At Buffalo’s Saint Patrick’s Day Parade 2016

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade was a crowning moment for Töad Meädow. We finally took the art car to the streets! This was no small feat. Four days before the parade, the art car’s engine blew up. Töads worked tirelessly morning, noon, and night to install a new engine, prepare the trailer, and put finishing touches on the art car, and we made it—Töad Meädow style. Continue reading

December and January: Hard Core Art Building at the Monthly Parties

Preparing for Saint Patrick’s Day and Frostburn

NB: Click on any photo to make it larger.

The December and January art build weekends had a bunch of Töads preparing for upcoming events. In February is Frostburn, an outdoor weekend arts festival where Töad Meädow will have an encampment.

The following month we will be rolling out in Buffalo’s famous Saint Patrick’s Day Parade with our art car, rolling exhibits and wandering performers.

Here are some things we worked on

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