December and January: Hard Core Art Building at the Monthly Parties

Preparing for Saint Patrick’s Day and Frostburn

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The December and January art build weekends had a bunch of Töads preparing for upcoming events. In February is Frostburn, an outdoor weekend arts festival where Töad Meädow will have an encampment.

The following month we will be rolling out in Buffalo’s famous Saint Patrick’s Day Parade with our art car, rolling exhibits and wandering performers.

Here are some things we worked on

Flame effect repair

An unfortunate accident rendered the fire-shooting bazooka unsafe to use (heh). Though it’s not our favorite flame effect, it is the one that gets the most use due to its portability. Happily, the bazooka is now repaired and ready to roll.

Fire ball shooter.

Repairs to the Bazooka are now complete.

Sculpture installation

Dni is the product of some Buffalo-area artists, and has been previously displayed at the Museum of Modern Art. Dni will now reside among the trees of Töad Meädow for the forseeable future.

Melissa hangs Dni, a natural art installation on permanent loan.

Melissa hangs Dni, a natural art installation on permanent loan.

Upcycling, bitch!

Dni now hangs at Töad Meädow.

Frostburn preparations

Hexayurt Construction

With the help of some Canadian Soviets, we built insulated hooches to party in at Frostburn. These hexayurts are sturdy, temporary and weatherproof.  Töads do it in style, no matter what the weather gods say (unless it floods; we’re still figuring how to beat those). The materials reclaimed and resold by Buffalo ReUse, a local recycler of building materials.

Insulated structures will keep us warm on our winter camping trip.

Insulated structures will keep us warm on our winter camping trip.

Hexayurt roof

Maybe we should build something to support the roof?

Töad Meädow bar upgrades

It’s somewhat shameful that, until now, the Töad Meädow bar did not light on fire. That oversight is now rectified.

Flaming bar pipe laying.

Laying pipe

Flaming Töad bar

Flame pipe upgrade complete!

Saint Patrick’s Day Parade Prep

Thousands of zip ties were tied and the new skin for the art car nears completion. We’ve posted enough photos in the past of this project, so you’ll have to be satisfied with them until it is 100% complete.

We will have an additional piece in the parade, though, a rolling töad baby buggy. Not a tadpole anymore, but not a full grown Töad, either.

Mini parade float

Early sketch of the Töad carriage.

Look for it at the parade!

Early prototype of the Töad carriage. It will be pulled by the Töad Meädow dog sled team.


If you weren’t here for either of the last two build weekends, you missed a lot of good times and artistic productivity. Join us for an art build in the near future. The dates are on the Töad Meädow homepage. For the next couple build weekends, we’ll work on the effigy for Amphibian 16:1 (happening in May), experiment with thermite for our flagship, large-scale Bicycle Holocaust installation. Sign up to the mailing list to be reminded of the next build weekends.

Miscellaneous Photos

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