Monthly Archives: September 2015

Monthly Art Builds: A report on the first two

To further encourage the creation of artistic stupidity, Töad Meädow is now hosting monthly art build weekends. The Töads gather, the workshop is opened and we turn materials into art. You’re invited to work on and collaborate with your own personal project, or you can come and help others’ projects.

We’ve had two very productive art build weekends so far; one in August and one in September. Continue reading

Haikus a la Carte

So we’re partying at the World Maker Faire and Lisa, rolls up. She’s with The Haiku Guys, sits down with a typewriter and  busts out 4 personal haikus for us.

It was intimate, magical and accurate, in an astrological sort of way.

Following are the haikus received by the various Töads. Much internet appreciation sent to our personal Haikuist Lisa, as well as all the Haiku Guys.

in the dressing room
try out different positions
stretch out the tight spots

wandering tribesman
synched [sic] up on a wide system
wider ancestors

on our lily pads
we don’t see the feathered roots
in the murky lake

burn the bill of rights
we will make it anyway
with duct tape and wire

Three cheers for the fucking haiku guys!!! They made our first night at the world maker faire as memorable as burning an original copy of the Bill of Rights!