Monthly Archives: August 2015

Dawn of the Töad King – Official Movie Trailer

Did you know that we have been working on a short surrealistic art film that chronicles the history of the Meädow? We are proud to present the first official trailer for the first film in the trilogy – The Dawn of the Töad King.

We are always looking for acting and filmaking talent. We are especially interested in finding a video editor that shares our artistic vision and would like to contribute their skills. If you enjoy editing videos, please use the contact form and let us know you exist.

Plot Summary:

Once upon a time, the land that is now Töad Meädow was ruled by an evil pig king and his degenerate ape henchmen. In the midst of his spiritual quest to reach enlightenment, the Töad King found the meadow, and knew that it must be liberated for the benefit of his spiritual children.

A great war was fought between the Töads and the pig king. Ultimately, the Töads prevailed and Töad Meädow was born.