Amphibian: A Celebration of Reality

The word “party” has a problem. Its connotations reflect the soporific culture that we endure daily. For many people, “I like to party” is synonymous with getting together to drink a lot while doing nothing of substance.

At Töad Meädow, we don’t party. We celebrate. We celebrate life. We celebrate our talents and creations. We celebrate the reality of our lives. We fully indulge in our senses, our fears and disappointments, but most of all we celebrate the novelty and environments that we synergistically create.

We call these celebrations, “Amphibian,” in honor of the töads that inhabit the meadow.

Please enjoy these albums and videos from past celebrations:


Amphibian 16:1 (April 29 – May 1): Honoring the Spring
Amphibian 16:2 (July 22 – 24): The Effigy of the Great Töad


Amphibian 15:1 (May 1-3): Dawn of the Töad King
Amphibian 15:2 (July 10-12): Rise of the Töad King
Amphibian 15:3 (October 16-18): The Tree of the Dead


Autumn – Halloween
Summer (link will be added soon) – Töad Meädow gives us her virginity and we build the art car

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