Our August, 2018 monthly art build was spectacular success in the variety of art expressed, number of people and participation. We had two artistic photoshoots, started an artistic bike rack, coppersmithing, iron forging, effigy building and probably some stuff that I missed.
Carpenter Brian Sparrow joined us for the first time at the Meädow, so we decided to hand him some lumber and see what happened. Somehow we came up with the idea of an “Atlas” effigy, with a töad holding the weight of the world on its back. Many people pitched in on the effigy by painting it, helping construct it, or adding other accouterments. Once nighttime fell, Brian delivered an artist statement in front of the campfire, and then ceremoniously burned our sculpture.
- The build crew early sketch of what the completed effigy will look like.
- Tommy and Brian cutting out the circle for the Atlas Toad effigy.
- Tommy and Brian screw together the base to hold the Atlas Toad effigy.
- Midway through constructing the Atlas Toad.
- The crew assesses progress on the Atlas Toad.
- Carrying the effigy to the bonfire.
- Atlas Toad effigy nearing completion.
- To raise awareness of the struggles for ocean life, we added some fish to the effigy.
- Brian and Tommy Pose with the completed Atlas Toad effigy just before it burns.
- The Atlas Toad burns in the fire.
Art Photo Shoots
Fish Union
Book burning
In addition to making physical things, the töads pitched in to help with two art photo shoots for Damon Hudac’s photographic endeavors. We were joined Friday night by local model Miranda Sevcovich who starred in Damon’s new book burning / censorship awareness photo project.

Behind the scenes shot of Damon, Tyler and Miranda working on their book burning art photography series.
Keri Mikulek also helped out by crafting an execution hood that was used as a prop in the shoot.
Bicycle rack
eARTh House Center for the Arts commissioned us to build them a fancy bike rack. They will place it outside their store for the convenience of their bicycle-riding customers. Sun and James did most of the metalworking.
- James knocks the rust off the milk jug that will be used as the base for the bike rack.
- Sun cuts the top out of the milk jug that will be used to make the bike rack.
- Metalworkers making a bike rack in progress.
- James fills the bike rack in progress with concrete.
Copper crafting
Mary brought copper foil and crafting supplies. People used them to make jewelry and other cool baubles.
Other stuff
Here are the rest of the pictures. Follow Töad Meädow on Facebook, and check out the next art build to help collaboratively make some stuff!
- Sun also continued work on a metal mask that he’s making.
- a group coppersmithing and skill-share.
- We ate a lot of meat.
- These dolls were left behind hanging from a tree by someone.
- Amy quietly converses by the fire.
- Keri spins two flaming batons, backlit by a full moan.
- Tyler cooks a weenie.
- Keri and Christian hid in the trees to discuss their favorite books. They were fleeing for safety from the book burning that was happening below them.
- Julie brought her iron forge and tried to show Tyler how to use it, but he’s easily distracted.
- Kayla sits in a cloud of bonfire smoke.