If you squint while looking, you don't even notice the watermark. LOL!

Meet the Töads, IRL! OMG!

Töad Meädow Meet and Greet in Buffalo

Our Töad recruitment efforts have been underway for a while while we continue to work on exciting projects for the 2015 not-winter season. So now is the time to invite those of you watching from the sidelines to come out so we all get to know each other.

Töad Meädow was founded to provide resources and support for those who want to exercise their creative side. We also have plenty of other projects that we love to have help with.

By the way, have you seen our page about the Totem Pole yet?

We have partnered with Buffalo’s local Burning Man meetup group and will cohost a meet and greet gathering with them on February 28th in North Buffalo.

The location is a vacant bar and we’ll have a variety of eclectic people of various talents. Several Töads will attend so this is a great time to come out, introduce yourself, listen to some music, have a few drinks and good conversation.

Those who feel like building something will also be assembling the flame effect rig for the Töad Meädow art car. So you could consider this a flame effects workshop, as well, if that’s something that interests you. Bring a pipe wrench if you have one. We’ll have our own if you don’t. We’re rushing to get the art car ready in time for Buffalo’s Saint Patrick’s Day parade.

This will be a great night to relax, meet a bunch of cool mofos and learn more about Burning Man or about the happenings at Töad Meädow.

Time: Saturday, February 28. 8:00 PM – 12:30 AM
Where: The Burner Clubhouse. 557 Hertel Avenue, Buffalo 14207
Bring: A pipe wrench (if you feel like it). BYOB, if you feel like it. Anything else you feel like bringing.
What to do now: Please RSVP on the Facebook event page and feel free to introduce yourself there as well!

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