At Amphibian 16:2 (July 22-24, 2016) we made Töad Meädow history with the largest fire and most mechanically successful effigy in our history. And we achieved it with a small group of core Töads figuring it all out as they went along.
Hell Hole designed conceptualized the effigy (his first large-scale art piece), and brought a cardboard model to the June art build weekend. From there, other Töads got to work on how to build the structure, aesthetic improvements and pyrotechnic considerations.
The resulting effigy burn had people gleefully running for their lives and marveling at the destructive power of Töad Art.
- Mark overseas the engineering.
- Multiple Töads building the structure.
- The kinetic part of the sculpture that causes the flower petals to close.
- After the kinetic testing.
- Completed effigy. Everyone got to make their own designs.
- Tule behind the carvings gave it a ghostly glow before burning.
- Tule behind the carvings gave it a ghostly glow before burning.
- Tule behind the carvings gave it a ghostly glow before burning.
- Fire buckets burning outside illuminate the tule carvings.
- Shortly after it was lit.
- Burning Töads
- Burning men!
- Inferno as art.
- “Holy shit let’s get out of here!” as art.
- Artistic photo from afar.
- Let’s do it again?
- Burning water.
- Art car in force.
- The Jap horsing around with art scraps.